•  March 7, 2024 - December 31, 2024
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Planning & Budgeting in Accounts

This course aims to give learners a sound understanding of how to use accounting information to plan and budget. It will be delivered 100% online using the Moodle Platform. Support is available throughout via Moodle messaging. All material is available for download within the course.

This course is delivered using Microsoft Excel. Participants may use any spreadsheet software that they are familiar with.

This course is not suitable for people without access to and basic skills on the spreadsheet programme they intend to use during the course.

Entry Requirements
  • Aptitude: Good numerical and communication skills are essential, including verbal and written command of the English language. Basic skills and familiarity with a spreadsheet programme.
  • Previous Experience: There are no specific pre-requisites.
  • Technical: Broadband sufficient to view video and access to a spreadsheet program of the learner’s choice with which they must already be familiar.

Title: Planning & Budgeting in Accounts

Award: Certificate in Planning & Budgeting

Awarding Body: Big Red Cloud

Indicative Hours: 24-32 hour

Duration: 8 weeks

Delivery:  Online with tutor support via Moodle.

Learning Outcomes

When the learner has completed this course they will be able to use reports from their accounting system to produce Projected Profit and Loss Reports and Cash Budgets.


Understanding Financial Statements and what they mean for business.

  • Understanding the Working Cash Cycle
  • Managing Creditors and Debtors
  • Credit Control Techniques
  • Managing Inventory
  • Creating a Budgeted Profit and Loss
  • Gathering Information for your Cash Budget
  • Creating and Completing your Cash Budget
  • Dealing with Cash Surplus and Deficit

Cost: €245 for ISME members, €275 non-members

Trainer: Big Red Cloud,  www.bigredcloud.com

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